Sunday, June 6, 2010

Get Together...August 19, 2000

Greetings "Forever Youngsters" (Class of 1970),
In August 1969 as we walked through the front doors of Newport High School to begin our final year within its hallowed halls, there was a song entitled "Get Together" playing often on the radio. That song written by Chet Powers and made popular by The Youngbloods (The Carpenters also recorded it) probably became an anthem for many senior classes around the country (it was selected as the class song in my wife Kathi's Class of '70 in San Marcos, Texas). While I don't remember us selecting a class song, "Get Together" would have been a meaningful one. Its refrain still quickly comes to mind, "C'mon people, now, smile on your brother, ev'rybody get together, try to love one another right now." Right now is the right time to "smile" on your brother (and sister) and to "love" one another. "Get together" with a long lost friend. Call someone you have been thinking about lately. Scribble out a note or an email to a friend. And if any of you have another song from the soundtrack of our lifetime that you would like to add as a "favorite", please let me know. I am going to try to add some music to our class webpage in the future and would appreciate some assistance in the selection.
Over the past two weeks, the "Miles' Files" has received comments from several classmates (14 to be exact) and the reading has produced a smile or two and an occasional giggle. I try to hold back from laughing out loud when I am alone at the keyboard. Thanks to you all for "writing" and making my days brighter with your words - Ruth Johnston, Margaret Ann Gillihan, Greer Guinn, David Reid, Gene Bennett, Gail Thaxton, Donny Appleton, Eddie Jones, Becky Cathey, Scott Baker, Drew Stewart, Diane Madison, Mary Wynne Parker, Cherry Lou Smith!!!!!!! I also talked via phone with David Sibley and Ann Gardner.
We are all aware of Mary Wynne's challenges with ovarian cancer. I know many of you have been in contact with Mary Wynne in the last few weeks to express your feelings and your love. We all have our own unique ways of conveying our affections for one another. I respect those unique styles and qualities. In the mail to the "Miles' Files" this week, I found two cyberletters reminding me that prayer is all powerful. Diane Madison sent along the message that friends who pray together, stay together in "prayer changes things," and Margaret Ann Gillihan suggested that we set aside a time as a group to pray for Mary Wynne and Grady Perryman and their children as they battle the Cancer that is invading Mary Wynne's space. I like that suggestion. Mary Wynne completed her first full chemotherapy treatment yesterday and she is responding to it exceptionally well. I talked with her sister, Kaki, today and know Mary Wynne to be in wonderful spirits. The chemo treatments are exhausting. We can bring strength to Mary Wynne through prayer as well as to ourselves, so at 8:00pm EDT (that's 7:00pm for you Arkansas flat landers) tomorrow, August 20, I ask each of you to utter a prayer for Mary Wynne and her family. Know that many of your classmates will be holding Mary Wynne is their prayers at that same time just as she watches a beautiful Carolina sunset. Thanks to Margaret Ann for this thoughtful suggestion. We may just do it again and again. I just finished Hamilton Jordan's book, "No Such Thing As A Bad Day," telling his story of living with Cancer. It is a good read for anyone with Cancer or those who have met Cancer through a family member or loved one.
Last week I was in Fayetteville, Arkansas for two days and New Orleans, Louisiana for two days. Work kept me from visiting with friends in both places. Now I know what Maynard G. Krebs, friend of Dobie Gillis, was trying to say when he would yell "Woooorrrrk" as if he was having an allergic reaction to it. I did enjoy some great food in N'awlins while there. Talked with Greer Guinn by phone, but both his work schedule and mine prevented us from getting together. Donny and Bean, I will be "rattlin' your chains" on my next trip to the Great Northwest. That new "TV set" (Jumbotron) at Razorback Stadium is going to be some sight to see! I'll be back when the leaves begin to put on their fall colors.
Cherry Lou tells me that our effort to build our class treasury to $2,000 by the end of this year (2000) has stalled around the $1,000 figure. Go dig in your kids' piggy banks and send some pennies to Cherry Lou for safekeeping. There is some talk of putting enough back in order to provide an annual scholarship from the Class of '70 to a graduating senior. Send Money! Remember delivering that message back to the home front 30 years ago after we had all "struck out" on our own. We just thought we were independent!
Speaking of the home front, Scott Baker supplied me with a website address on which you can view dear old Newport High and its surroundings. Go to: Type "Newport" into the Area inquiry, press "Go". Newport, Arkansas will be first on a list, go to the Aerial Photo. You can "zoom" right into your old neighborhood and walk down memory lane. In Scott's words, a little "scary", but fun. Thanks, Scott.
Speaking of old neighborhoods, a couple of my messages told me of "escapes" from the "hood". Eddie Jones just returned from a 5 day cruise out of New Orleans and Ruth Johnston just got back home from a few weeks roaming the countryside of England and Scotland. She said the Loch Ness Monster doesn't hold a candle to the White River Monster.
Back home, Becky Cathey told me about the "Get Together" that 14 of our classmates enjoyed at the infamous Faye Rubles last week. Kristine Artymowski came back to visit her mother and she "brought together" Kathy Woodruff, Ed Beard, Mickey Doyle, Phil Lassiter, Dale Hunter, Marion Mullins, Mike Willhite, Ricky Harris, Margaret Ann Gillihan, Jamie Hopkins, Cledy Pollard, Becky Cathey and Brenda Talley. Brenda was definitely "razzed" for missing the Big Shebang in June, but I understand she made up for with a few good "stories" I need to hear. Of course, envy is rushing through me as I stroke each key in this message. I ran into Freeman Travis, another who missed the 30th Get Together, Thursday of this week in Little Rock. Standing in 103 degree heat trying to "catch up" was a little crazy, but we had a good visit.
That brings me back to the beginning. "Get Together" as often as you can with those you care for and love. It only takes modest effort to bang out a few words of an email or to pick up a phone and punch a hand full of numbers (remember the old rotary dials ... my mother's phone is still a rotary dial).
Some will come and some will goand we shall surely passWhen the one that left us herereturns for us at lastWe are but a moments sunlightfading in the grass.C'mon people, nowsmile on your brother,Ev'rybody get together,try to love one another right now."
This Miles' Files is closed. Hurry back now, ya hear!
Much love from . . . Miles from Nowhere!

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