Story Time .....
Well, Classmates of 1970, sit back and reflect on those "carefree" days of the Fifties and Sixties through another edition of "Short Stories Made Long". For those of you who find these little narratives boring or juvenile (or both), hit the delete key. I am having trouble remembering a "delete" key on those old manual Underwood typewriters on which Mrs. Paige taught us all to type.
Since my last communique to all of you in the "listening" (viewing) audience, Scott Baker and I have "talked" about some of our former teachers at NHS. Both of us agreed that Mrs. Paige was one of our "favorites" and we are now certainly appreciative of her efforts to "beat" this typing skill into our life's plan. We also "fondly" remembered Mrs. Carr who, in Scott's words, is "now dangling from that great participle in the sky". I'm certain she would be proud of both Scott's eloquent prose and my grammar. Some of you are probably "thinking" (and if you are, things have really changed since the days you stumbled through the hallowed halls of our alma mater) that Scott's and my memory and fondness of these sacred teachers might be a little distorted, but then I am sure that you will quickly recall that our minds were somewhat twisted when we were under the tutelage of these fine women.
A more credible point of view could be that of Paula Jones who recently "suffered" a flashback to a scene in Mrs. Newell's Speech class of a mock radio show featuring Paula, Drew Stewart and "the writer". Paula "remembered" a Redd Foxx type dialogue we performed which was taped for posterity, but due to Mrs. Newell's professional integrity, the tapes were edited. When the tape of "our show" was replayed for other classes, the lengthy "blank" spaces resulting from the edit brought to mind Simon & Garfunkel's "Sounds of Silence". Now to set the record straight, I "know" that Paula wrote the script for that show and Drew and I were merely talking heads just like the "pretty boys" of today who blindly read the nightly news. Paula was bright enough to know that no other teacher besides Mrs. Newell would have appreciated this "Redd Foxx" brand of humor. Thank God Paula was that insightful, because Drew and I probably would have read that script in any class. And to erase part of the incriminating tape was an ingenious move by Mrs. Newell, one memorable teacher. And who would have thought that just four short years after that a President of the United States would follow Mrs. Newell's lead and erase 17 minutes from a recorded tape in an effort to establish innocence. Mr. Nixon just wasn't as clever as we. Again, however, that story as just related was Paula's memory and I am seriously questioning her capacity to accurately recollect the past. While I don't wish to taint Paula's credibility, I just don't think Drew and I would have engaged ourselves to that kind of humor in such an academically challenging class under the professional supervision of Mrs. Newell. Do you? Before you answer, THINK (I know it is difficult) about it, Paula was not always innocent and studious. Paula has been teaching for 26 years though and I bet she is a wonderful teacher (despite an occasional lapse in memory).
Admit it, thinking backward is a lot of FUN (it's easier too). The process of planning for a reunion has rekindled many old friendships which are forever lasting in spite of the time and distance that has kept us separated over the years. Keep encouraging other Classmates to register on the website so that we can reestablish contact (Phone home!) and to notify the Reunion Planning Committee of their intention to attend the "get together" in June (Send money!). Also, keep "those cards and letters" coming. I have recently talked (actually used spoken words) with Clay Wright, Dinny Bullard, and Ann Gardner Hearn. Wonderful Friends! Wow!!! Ann does not have e-mail, but she did tell me she is thinking about buying a microwave.
Since my last "little" thought provoking cyberspace message, I have received replies and comments from Laura Benish Goodyear, Kathy Foley McKee, Dale Hunter Lane, David Sibley and Susan Page Wixon aka Marie (her middle name) Wixon. Susan(or Marie) has returned to Arkansas fairly recently and works for the Census Bureau (don't forget to fill out the form for the "Big Brother" headcount for 2000). She "sounded" excited about the reunion and asked about places to stay in Newport (Cherry Lou, it would be a good idea to post on the NHS website bulletin board a list of motels in the Port or to send via e-mail a listing - Thanks).
David tells me he is still practicing with a group of invasive cardiologists in Birmingham, AL and is a Crimson Tide convert. I'm sure all you "listeners" are eagerly awaiting a response, so here it comes ---- GO HOGS!!!!! And isn't everyone who "plays with someone's heart" invasive? 'Splain that to me. David, I can think of no one better in whom to entrust my life in the matter of cardiac care, so why am I "seeing" visions of Jethro Bodine performing brain surgery? By the way, I can probably help you with some of your investment needs. I'm still collecting baseball cards.....they are performing much better than CD rates over the past several years. The two most recent registrants on the NHS website are David Reid all the way from Hawaii (and Cherry Lou tells me that David R. is coming to the reunion) and Nancy Rhodes Fountain. I've got my eyes closed tight and I can see Nancy leading cheers for the Hounds in a really short skirt. Two Bits, Four Bits!!!! Nancy, remember Mrs. Baker in ninth grade Civics? I still don't know who she is looking at.
Well, Good Day and Good Night --- I have enjoyed visiting with you while listening to some really nice jazz and nurturing my scotch on the rocks. Ya'll stop by anytime. You know me, I like to talk. I'm counting the days until the Class of '70 returns to Newport en masse like a tsunami. (David Hurley, that's a real tidal wave, not just an insignificant crimson tide). See you all there. Keep in touch!
Much Love & Greyhound Spirit, joe
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