Sunday, June 6, 2010

Try to Remember...September 2, 2000

Hey Littermates, Whas uuuuuuuuuuuuuuppppppp!!!
Time just keeps on flying by! It's September, still really HOT here (record high temps for those of you not in Arkansas - 109 degrees yesterday. What's it like in Hawaii, David Reid?), but it is September.
Try to remember the kind of SeptemberWhen life was slow and oh, so mellow.Try to remember the kind of SeptemberWhen grass was green and grain was yellow.Try to remember the kind of SeptemberYou were a tender and callow fellow.Try to remember and if you remember, then follow
Thirty one years ago as we were beginning our final year at Newport High, a "callow" fellow indeed was I. Young, inexperienced, unsophisticated, immature, lacking good judgment. Gosh, I guess I'm still pretty "callow." But I have no trouble "remembering" and "following" those memories of those Septembers when "life was slow and oh, so mellow." And I have all of you to thank for those fun loving memories.
Just in the past couple of weeks I have heard from Mary Wynne Parker, Margaret Ann Gillihan, Scott Baker, Laura Benish, Gene Bennett, Kathy Foley, Nancy Rhodes, Cherry Lou Smith, David Sibley, Paula Jones, and Ricky Harris. Also, I "got mail" from two first time respondents, Freeman Travis and Peggy Cox. I talked by phone with Lynda Matthews Burke since her computer has been down. Blame Jimmy - he will be 50 this week! I must say it is an "absolute trip" to hear from ya'll. It's a trip back in time and I thoroughly enjoy going back there.
We have a "new" recipient of this issue of the Miles' Files and that is Jan Grimes Ott. A special "thank you" goes to Margaret Ann Gillihan for "recruiting" Jan. Jan just may be the only classmate shorter than I, therefore I have always thought "highly" of her (he said with a little giggle). Now if everyone else will follow (follow, follow - Try to Remember) Margaret Ann's lead and deliver unto me email addresses you have for other classmates, we can create quite a network to keep us all in touch with one another. I currently have 58 littermates on my "mailing list" along with three former teachers. 45 of those 58 classmates are registered on the NHS website which can be found at: If you haven't already done so, visit the site and register. It's a great way to skip back in time and "chat" with former alums and friends from other classes.
My most recent message from Grady Perryman (Mary Wynne's husband) reflects Mary Wynne doing well, jogging in the neighborhood, and going to Jazzercise classes four times this week. She visits her oncologist on Wednesday with Chemo treatment #2 scheduled for Monday, September 11 provided her white blood count is high enough. A visit from her son, David, home from college, energized her even more. (It sounds as if I need to get Mary Wynne to be my personal trainer. I can use the exercise.) I know she remains in the thoughts and prayers of all who know and love her. Many messages in the past couple of weeks expressed an appreciation for the "prayer time" suggested by Margaret Ann that we observed on behalf of Mary Wynne and her family last week. In several of those messages there were comments that it would be nice if we, as the Class of 1970, could set aside a "special" time each week to remember those from our class who have given up their earthly lives, those who are battling illness, those who are struggling through life's issues, or those who simply need a prayerful hug. So, I arbitrarily designate 7:00pm CDT each Sunday evening as "our time" to silently think of and pray for all members of the NHS Class of 1970. Knowing all of us will be "holding hands" in our hearts at the same time can be all powerful. This observance will begin on Sunday, September 3, 2000...... Try to Remember!!!!!!!
These hot summer days have taken me back to the early '60s and playing pick up wiffle ball games in Jenetta Ashley's back yard or racing slot cars on a track set up in Donny Appleton's driveway. During the reunion, David Sibley and I talked about our first entrepreneurial efforts as youngsters. In addition to the corner lemonade stand, we often would seine the ditches and back waters of the river around the levee near our houses on the south side of town for little green turtles. We would take our catch of turtles in buckets to the dime store (Sterling's) and sell them for a nickel each. With the money from the day's catch we would typically buy baseball cards. The time we passed together and how much fun we had are vivid memories today. I can still see those 1960 horizontally pictured Topps baseball cards with pictures of Bob Gibson, Mickey Mantle, Vada Pinson, Roberto Clemente..... Try to Remember!!
These hot summer days will be quickly turning into autumn. Football season is upon us. Today in Arkadelphia the "Battle of the Ravine" between Henderson State and Ouachita Baptist will take place in all of its glory. The Hogs take on Southwest Missouri State in Little Rock tonight and Arkansas State travels to North Carolina State to initiate their seasons. Wherever you went to college or whatever school you root for today, pull out a good bottle of sippin' whiskey and enjoy the game of your choice. The Newport Greyhounds beat Jonesboro in their season opener last night 27-25. Quarterback Ronnie Delcase (son of Mary Lou Phillips, Class of '72 and nephew of Bill Phillips, Class of '69) scored twice on runs in the fourth quarter and the 'Hounds stopped a two point conversion attempt by Jonesboro with 1:50 left in the game to preserve the victory. There's that great Greyhound defense again rising to the occasion. Go Hounds!
Well, I'm going to walk back into the present. Soon it will be Fall and then Winter.
Deep in December it's nice to rememberAltho' you know the snow will follow.Deep in December it's nice to rememberWithout a hurt the heart is hollow.Deep in December it's nice to rememberthe fire of September that made us mellow.Try to remember and if you remember, then follow
("Try to Remember" from the musical "The Fantasticks" - 1962) Jan Grimes, welcome to the Miles' Files. All others from the litter of 1970, keep on keepin' on! Try to Remember to say a little prayer.
I remain Miles from Nowhere ... guess I'll take my time, oh yeah!

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