Sunday, June 6, 2010

Greyhound Blues...August 6, 2000

Helloooooooooo 'Hounds of '70!
My singin' the Blues last week in the Miles' Files sure generated some responses. That's what the Blues does! The Blues strengthens the soul. I ran across the lyrics to an old Blues tune written by Otis Hicks, better known as Lightnin' Slim, back in the late '50s. The song is entitled "Greyhound Blues" and its opening lines are:
"I was standin' at the Greyhound bus stationWhen my little woman stepped on board,Well I was just standin' there thinkin'Come back baby please don't go."
If you were to substitute the words "my classmates" for "little woman", it would sum up my feelings following our Reunion in June (I was too naive and foolish to have had such thoughts at the time of our graduation when we all got on our separate "buses" into the future). But just like any "good" Blues tune, the closing lines in "Greyhound Blues" shouts the optimistic words: "I don't know why she wanna go and leave me Lord and have me worried every day, But it don't matter where you go darlin' Lord you'll surely come back home some day."
The number of "cybernotes" I received from so many of you this week and their words let me know that all of us will get "back home" some day soon for another Grand Reunion. This week I heard from Kristine Artymowski, Bobby Joe Forrester, Paul Burton, Cherry Lou Smith, David Reid, Betsy McCall, Drew Stewart, Rick Wiggins, and Nancy Rhodes. I also heard from Grady Perryman (Mary Wynne Parker"s husband) letting me know that Mary Wynne will be making a visit to an oncologist at Duke University on Monday with chemotherapy expected to begin the following week. I know Mary Wynne is in your thoughts and prayers as she tackles this Cancer head on, just as a playful Greyhound would chew up an aging Pioneer from Batesville. Kristine is going to Newport this week to see her mother and enjoy the company of classmates who still live at "Ground Zero." Paul Burton visited with Ricky Harris this week in Norman, Oklahoma where Ricky's son Zac is enrolling at Oklahoma University (where Paul works) to play baseball. Sounds like a good excuse for me to make a road trip to Norman next spring to see a little baseball and some old friends. Coach Duncan passed along a few jokes this week. Pretty weak jokes I must say, but I giggled because I know he thought they were funny.
As I sat in church this morning I thought of my childhood days in the First Methodist Church in Newport (before it was the "United" Methodist Church). As teenagers Mary Wynne Parker, Clay Wright, Ricky Wiggins, Mike Stephens, Kenny Thaxton, Gail Thaxton, Joy Stanfield, Ruth Johnston, Drew Stewart, Glenn Gay, Jim Reid Holden, Freeman Travis, Jeanne Rogers, Tommy West (I know I am leaving someone out) would crowd into the "Amen corners" of the church for worship services. Occasionally, a few would be "nice" and sit with their parents. I wonder how many teenagers have as much fun in church as we did. Of course, Drew Stewart's dad was our minister and I thought Brother Bill was a riot. He probably thought I was the reincarnation of "Eddie Haskell" from "Leave It To Beaver." If you all remember, Brother Bill Stewart delivered the message for our baccalaureate the Sunday before graduation. Anyway, my prayers this morning were directly targeted to you "kids" out there from the Class of 1970. While all of you may not have gone to Sunday School with me as those mentioned above did, you probably graced the doors of our church for UMYF, a dance, a hayride, UNICEF trick or treat, or some other occasion. It was indeed a "home away from home" for many.
I look forward to the day when you all get back on your "Greyhound bus" in order to get "back home" for another reunion (whether it is just a few at a time or in large numbers like it was in June). Take a ride back into the '60s and I bet laughter wells up in your heart. Don't forget to register on the NHS website. And encourage others to do the same. You can rekindle old friendships. Just this week I "talked" with Alannette Hare from the Class of '67. Keeping in touch with "old friends" will keep you Forever Young! May God Bless you and may those "Greyhound Blues" carry you back home in your thoughts and in your heart.
I remain "Miles from Nowhere" ... WRITE SOON!!!

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